Wednesday, 3 September 2008

my 1st comission blanket

this blanket was the first i ever made to order
about 2yrs ago
unfortunately i never received payment for it
so now i only make blankets as presents


Karen said...

How rotten that you didn't get paid for all your hard work! They are really beautiful. My Gran used to make these X

cookcreateread said...

That is gorgeous! How horrible that you didn't get paid!!! Must take ages to make!!

Jo Philippart said...

this size blanket used to take me about a month
but now i can make them in about a week-if i work on it a few hrs a day

Kathy said...

Sorry to hear you didn't get paid for all that work - what a rotten thing to happen. I love crocheted blankets like this, they are so cheerful - and really cosy too. You're making me think about starting to make one now!

Angelnorth said...

I think you do right to do them only as gifts - you can choose people you know will appreciate the work that goes in to it then! This is really cheerful, great stuff!

Jo Philippart said...

thank u for all the comments
i love making them
and always make bright coloured ones-even if they are baby blankets
i made a black and dark purple one for a a friend once and the colour really plays havoc with u eyes

Gez Butterworth said...

Can't believe you didn't get paid Leia, your blankets look fab.
Love the picci below the colours are great for kids. Well done. x