Thursday, 22 October 2015


I managed to cut a slice out of my thumb yesterday with a very sharp ceramic knife,so no crochet for me for a few days as I have a comedy bandage on it

Thursday, 15 October 2015

First post in ages

Since my last post,Reuben has started year 7 and Zac has started year 9, I feel old having both children in comp,but also a little lonely being at home from 7-4:30 , but it does mean that me and Paul can sometimes go out for lunch together,or for a a bike/skate ride and not have to rush back.
The joys of comp age children and owning your own business

Reuben's epilepsy is as yet uncontrolled
Also started Cwtch Crochet,a page on Facebook,to show off and possibly sell my crochet blankets