Thursday, 12 November 2015

Busy busy

Life is continuously busy,Drs appts,Hosp appts,school appts
And now I'm a school governor at Z and R comp,I must be mental
Health wise I'm feeling better ish, just got heart appt at the end of the month
R epilepsy hasn't been great recently,including an abensce whilst underwater this week,during swimming,school have been brilliant,and he will now have a TA in the pool with his,every lesson.
Cwtch crochet is doing ok, got 2/3 commissions I need to finish this side of Christmas,plus one lot of family crochet to finish as a present 

Thursday, 22 October 2015


I managed to cut a slice out of my thumb yesterday with a very sharp ceramic knife,so no crochet for me for a few days as I have a comedy bandage on it

Thursday, 15 October 2015

First post in ages

Since my last post,Reuben has started year 7 and Zac has started year 9, I feel old having both children in comp,but also a little lonely being at home from 7-4:30 , but it does mean that me and Paul can sometimes go out for lunch together,or for a a bike/skate ride and not have to rush back.
The joys of comp age children and owning your own business

Reuben's epilepsy is as yet uncontrolled
Also started Cwtch Crochet,a page on Facebook,to show off and possibly sell my crochet blankets

Thursday, 13 August 2015


Been a busy few days,with trips to the Gps and hospital,for myself, for test,query early menopause, there I've said it outloud
The. Yesterday I had a day out at the local Lido with reuben,including some outdoor crocheting.this was all a distraction technique as I have a family member who is quite poorly at the moment,who lives away,so getting updates via text etc.
Next week we have a neuro appt for Reuben, that will hopefully see him put back on epilepsy meds,which will mean he will have a few weeks of them in his system before starting comp in september

Thursday, 6 August 2015


Had a fab day out in Tenby today with my mum,nana ,zac and reuben
Actually treated myself to a little anklet and a new top/dress
Also picked up some wool of course
Just had a what's app message from my sneaky brother,who has driven down from Leics  with my sis in law and new baby niece,who I didn't think I was going to get to see until August bank holiday weekend

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Really should get dressed

I'm sitting here in my pjs,crocheting ,faffing on the iPad and listening to Kate Bush AeRial
I really should get dressed,but I'm enjoying the peace,hubby has just gone to work,and Zac and Reuben are still in bed,the street is so quite for once

Monday, 3 August 2015

Another early start

Was up at 6:30 which wouldn't that been so bad but I didn't got to bed until 2:30
Got loads of washing and drying done to day,stripped and remade three beds
Reuben delivered the blanket to a friend for her preemie baby
Reuben has been out all day at a friends and Zca has been in his room,so I've had the TV to myself,a rarity and also done a fair amount of crochet
Tonight I.'mOff for a girly catch up at Loras 's a spot of crochet and a catch up

Morning,early start here today

Well I was awake at 6 this morning and up at 6:30 which would have been early enough if it hadn't been that me and paul were up talking until 2:30 about sound and music,and watching music/sound recording documentaries.
Had a fab day yesterday with amount, had two amazing service thanks to Paul Blackham and Tom Martyn, then had after church music and food and then a bonfire on the beach,what a fab day spent with family and church family

Friday, 31 July 2015

Wow longtime no post

I thought it was time to resurrect my blog
So much has happened since I last posted but I will try a cut down version
I'm still a stay at home mum
Zac is about to go into year 9 in comp
Reuben is about to start comp in Septmeber
He is recovering well from the stroke, he now uses a leg splint to aid his walking
But the epilepsy he had as a toddler has resurfaced, no fits for 8 yrs and off meds for 6 and they suddenly reappear
So we have a neuro appt on 19th of August and will hopefully be put back on meds