Monday, 23 June 2008

feeling down

my eldest cat passed away yesterday-she was nearly 10 and hadnt been well for awhile
the boys havent noticed yet-she was one of our 6 cats
also my great uncle-who is more like a grandparent has renal failure-it isnt imminent but it doesnt look good either-going to see him tonight-my brother has travelled down from northamptonshire-so we are both going to see im with our mum later

Saturday, 14 June 2008

the house of lergy

zac has now got impetigo
he had a load of insect bites from the garden-which he scratched and have now turned into impetigo
just what i dont need-he off school untilt hey clear up-the very week when i ave a load on

Sunday, 8 June 2008

we have guinea pigs

we have 2 new additions
we now have 2 guinea pigs- both boys
called garfield and odi
the boys love them
and tehy are so cute